We recommend matching the part number on your original part with the part number listed on this page to ensure compatibility.
While matching your model number is a great start, many models use variations of each part and they're not always interchangeable.
We include brief instructions in red text on some listings (also displayed below without the red font). Please look for these instructions to confirm any important info that you'll need to identify on your original part. Additionally, we highlight the part number in our photos.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. We're here to help!
Progressive Scan
Progressive Scan doubles the vertical resolution of the
image resulting in a noticeab
ly sharper picture. Instead
of sending a field comprising the odd lines to the
screen first, followed by th
e field with the even lines,
both fields are written at
one time. A full image is
created instantaneously, using the maximum
resolution. At such a speed, your eye perceives a
sharper picture with no line structure.
Hi-Fi stereo VHS
Hi-Fi Stereo VHS plays
back true stereo VHS